Screenshots from Ali Abdaal's "How To Actually Achieve Your Goals in 2025" Video.
"We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience." - John Dewey
"New Year, Same Me, New Possibilities" - Prompts for Self-Reflection:
- "20__ was the year that I..."
- My Highlights & Accomplishments
- My Top 3 Favorite Memories
- "What is the identity I want to take on in the new year?"
- "My word(s) of the year is/are..."
- "What would you be excited to wake up and do every day?"
Suggested Life Pie/Life Wheel/Fulfillment Snapshot Categories:
- Personal Growth, Learning, & Adventure
- Play, Fun, & Recreation
- Family, Friends, Romance, & Community
- Career & Work
- Health & Fitness/Exercise
- Money & Finances
- Environment
- Spirituality
"Things I Have to Do" / "Things I Want to Do" / "Things Other People Want Me to Do"
- How important is it? Is it vital or necessary?
- Is there a way to turn a "Have To" into a "Choose to?" What choices can you make around your approach? (Taking ownership of a process helps to increase one's sense of control, power, and capability, affirming one's autonomy.)
- What is the purpose (the why) behind a task or objective?
- What is the end result (the what) that you or someone else is aiming for?
- What are the key tasks -- clear, simple, actionable steps -- you feel should be taken to accomplish this task or objective?
- When in your immediate schedule can you make intentions to work on these tasks? ("If X happens, then I will Y.")
Other Unorganized Suggestions:
- Track your use of time.
- Practice saying “No,” especially when other people are spending your time.
- Find Accountability Partners – Facebook Groups, Text Loops, Email Loops, etc.
- General Support
- Task Completion
- Getting to Destinations On Time
- Identify 3 ways that you sabotage yourself.
- Write down everything you do that creates value in the universe for one day.
- Take a written inventory of all the larger things you have accomplished in your life.
- Figure out if you are a starter or a finisher. Find strategies to balance out your shortcomings.
- A Daily Wins or "Ta Da!" List: Identify and celebrate small wins and accomplishments, no matter how small. This will boost your confidence, your sense of satisfaction, help to build momentum, and help to generate interest. Sharing success stories with others can help to reshape perceptions and counter some negativity.
- Make progress visible -- keep up the streak.
- Consider: "Is this in alliance with my values?" vs. "How will this make me look in the eyes of other people?"
- Is Your Goal a SMART(ER) Goal?
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time-lined
- Enthusiastic
- Rewarding

Atomic Habits (James Clear):
- "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."
- "With an identity-based approach, we start by focusing on who we wish to become, not what we want to achieve."
- "Who is the type of person you want to become? What is one habit that casts a small vote for becoming that type of person?"
- “I’m the type of person who [your desired identity]. The habit I’ll be focusing on is [habit that reinforces your desired identity].”
- Determine a scaled-down, two-minute version of the habit you want to build and begin to master the art of showing up. That two-minute habit should be the smallest version of your habit that reinforces your desired identity.
- “The two-minute version of my habit is: ________________.”
- Create an implementation intention that is specific and clear: “I will [behavior] at [time] in [location].” ("If X happens, then I will Y.")
Success Frames (Rob Hatch):
- "What did it look like when things went well? How can I replicate it?"
- What do you need to be successful? What do you need to perform at your best? (Conditions & Environment)
- "Our priorities emerge from our values."
- Test ideas now, in their simplest forms, and build on what works:
- What did we learn?
- What would we do differently?
- What ideas can we test next time?
Feel Good Productivity (Ali Abdaal):
- "When we're in a positive mood, we tend to consider a broader range of actions, be more open to new experiences, and better integrate the information we receive. In other words, feeling good boosts our creativity -- and our productivity."
- "Success doesn't lead to feeling good. Feeling good leads to success."
- "When we feel bad we achieve less."
- "What would this look like if it were fun?"
- "What am I afraid of? Where does this fear come from?"
- 10-10-10 Rule:
- "Will this matter in 10-minutes?"
- "Will this matter in 10-weeks?"
- "Will this matter in 10-years?"
- NICE Goals:
- Near-Term - daily/weekly
- Input-Based - focusing on the process, the "here and now" actions
- Controllable - genuinely within our control and realistic
- Energizing - facilitating play, power, and people
- Schedule Time to Do Nothing: "Breaks aren't a special treat. They're an absolute necessity."
- Forgive Yourself: "I didn't do Y, but I did do Z."